During your first visit to Atelier 33 Montaigne website, you will be informed by a banner at the bottom of the screen that information relating to your browsing may be stored in files called "cookies".

This policy of use of cookies informs you in particular about all the cookies present on the Website of Atelier 33 Montaigne, their purpose (part I.) and gives you the procedure to follow to configure them (part II.)

1. General Information concerning Atelier 33 Montaigne website

Atelier 33 Montaigne, as publisher and editor of the website mentioned in the preamble, informs you that it can proceed to the implementation of a cookie on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile etc.) in order guarantee for you a smooth and optimal navigation on its website.

"Cookies" are small text files of limited size that can recognize your computer, tablet or mobile in order to customize the services that will be offered.

The information collected through cookies is anonymous, and does not in any way identify you by name. They are used exclusively to improve the interactivity and performance of the website, in order to provide you with the most appropriate content in relation to your interests.

None of this information may be disclosed to a third party except in the case of obtaining your consent, or when the disclosure of such information is required by law, for example by order of a court or any authority administrative or judicial authority.

To better inform you about what cookies identify, you will find below a list detailing the different types of cookies that may be used on the   Atelier 33 Montaigne website, their name, purpose and their retention period.

2. Cookies preferences and configuration

You can accept or refuse the cookies deposit at any time.

During your first visit to Atelier 33 Montaigne website, a banner appears at the bottom of your screen. This banner warns you that by continuing to browse the Atelier 33 Montaigne website (that is, by loading a new page or by clicking on various elements of the site for example), you accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal.

Also, by clicking on the "X" icon to the right of the banner at the bottom of your screen, you agree to the deposit of cookies.

a. Cookies exempt of consent

In accordance with the recommendations of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), some cookies are exempt from the prior collection of your consent to the extent that they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or have the sole purpose of enabling or facilitating electronic communication. These include session ID, authentication, load balancing session cookies as well as customizing cookies for your interface. These cookies are fully subject to this policy insofar as they are issued and managed by Atelier 33 Montaigne.

b. Cookies requiring your prior consent

This requirement applies to third-party cookies that are described as "persistent" as long as they remain in your device until they are deleted or expired.

Since such cookies are issued by third parties, their use and deposit are subject to their own privacy policies, which you will find below. These cookies family groups gather audience measurement tools (such as Google Analytics).

Audience measurement cookies provide statistics of the use of the website various elements (such as the content / pages you visited). These data contribute to improving the ergonomics of the Atelier 33 Montaigne website.

An audience measurement tool is used by Atelier 33 Montaigne:

o Google Analytics whose privacy policy is available from the following link:

c. Configuration tools at your disposal

Most Internet browsers are configured by default so that cookies are allowed to be posted. Your browser offers you the opportunity to modify these standard settings so that all cookies are rejected systematically or that only part of the cookies is accepted or refused according to their issuer.

IMPORTANT: The refusal of the cookies deposit on your terminal is likely to alter your user-experience as well as your access to certain services or functionalities. Atelier 33 Montaigne declines any responsibility concerning the consequences related to the degradation of your navigation conditions that occur because of your choice to refuse, delete or block necessary cookies for the operation of the website. These consequences cannot constitute any damage and you cannot claim any compensation for this fact.

Your browser also allows you to delete existing cookies on your device or to be notified when new cookies may be placed on your device. These settings do not affect your navigation but you lose all the benefit of the cookie.

For any questions or additional information concerning this Privacy Policy, you can write to Atelier 33 Montaigne at the postal address mentioned in point 1 or by filling in the following contact form
